Developing A Heart For God

Developing A Heart For God

David was a shepherd and a king, a soldier and a poet, a sinner and a saint…

Yet of all the descriptions that the Bible gives of David, the most important is the one given by God, when He calls David “a man after my own heart.” In this series, we’ll examine how you and I can develop a heart for God.

Join us for our new sermon series “Developing A Heart For God” beginning September 26th!

How to join:

In-Person during our Worship Service on Sundays at 11 am (click here for details)


Watch online at

Live Stream Service Times:
Sunday at 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 6 pm
Wednesday at 7 pm
Saturday at 5:30 pm

Click here for more info about service times, location, and what to expect at Eagle Rock Baptist Church.