
Our Men’s Ministry is committed to helping men to come to know and reflect Christ deeply in word and action… to become more like Jesus.

Whether you have just graduated from High School or are enjoying your retirement we believe you have room to grow and something to give.

We seek to provide an environment in which men can grow and serve in the following ways:

Life Groups:

The backbone of our Men’s Ministry is our small group ministry called Life Groups, in which men have opportunity to build connections and relationships, dig into God’s word, pray for one another, and grow in their faith. For more information, or to sign up for a Life Group, click here.

Service Opportunities:

Another great way to connect to our Men’s Ministry is through serving. At ERBC we recognize that you’re never more like Jesus then when your serving and giving. Therefore, we seek to provide men regular opportunities to put their faith on display through serving “the least of these”. For more information about service opportunities, or to volunteer, click here.

Men’s Work Days:

If you’re interested in helping upkeep our church grounds and upgrade our facilities, contact Pastor Andrew at or James Bean at

Questions about ERBC’s Men’s Ministry?

Please fill out the form below for more information.

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