
How Do I Receive Prayer @ ERBC?

Prayer is essential for our spiritual growth.

As a church, we pray for prayer requests submitted to our church on the weekends and on a daily basis. Our Prayer Ministry driven by volunteers who have a deep passion to pray for others.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” -Philippians 4:6

If you would like to share a prayer request you can either of the following:

  • Write out your prayer request on the back of a connection card at the weekend service you attend and drop that card in the bucket when the offering is received.
  • Come to the front row in the worship center at the conclusion of any worship service and one of our prayer partners will be there to pray with you.
  • Submit your prayer request online using the form below.

Prayer Request:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Prayer Request

    This prayer is for
    Pastors ONLYPastors and Prayer Team

    Please complete
