Prayer Walk

Hi! Thank you so much for your interest in prayer walking Eagle Rock.

It’s our intention in this challenging season to bathe our community in prayer. Our hope is to have individuals, couples, and families commit to walk our community to lift up needs, concerns, and pray for spiritual revival.

Did you know that the first large-scale Protestant Missions movement began when a small community committed to praying 24 hours a day for 100 years?

That goal might be a little beyond our reach, but could we have a different person walk every day to intercede for our neighbors, schools, and businesses? What about 168 total hours of prayer walking? One hour for each hour of the week. That would be awesome! But even more awesome is what God could do through our prayers to bring healing, restoration, and revival in our community and our land.

So, what do you need to do?

Choose a day and a time when you’d like to prayer walk. Then choose a route in the Eagle Rock area. When and where are entirely up to you, but if possible, let me know your day and chosen route (email As a staff, we want to be able to watch and share the way that prayer is covering this community. You can commit to prayer walking once or consider making this spiritual discipline a weekly habit.

Want to pray but can’t do the walking?

You could consider going to a restaurant or coffee shop. Buy a coffee or diet coke and sit outside a restaurant while you pray for the block, passersby, or the employees within? I’ve attached a list of suggested prayer ideas below but let the Holy Spirit guide you. Again thank you for your willingness to pray for our community!

Prayer Ideas List



Pastor Andrew Krayer-White

For more info, email