Staff & Church Board

Eagle Rock Baptist Church Staff

Pastor Rick Mandl, Lead Pastor


About Pastor Rick

Since 1990, Rick has had the privilege of pastoring Eagle Rock Baptist Church- the church where he came to know the Lord, was baptized, married, and has watched his children grow up! Rick and his wife, Judy, are the proud parents of three daughters, Kari, Kelcie, and Kimberly. Rick and Judy also have two son-in-laws, James and Mark, and seven grandchildren.

Pastor Rick is a native Southern Californian who grew up about 15 minutes from ERBC. Before becoming a pastor, his career goal was to work in radio (although he often jokes that as a young boy he considered becoming a rodeo clown). He completed an Associate’s Degree in Broadcasting and then took a job as a deejay in Santa Maria, CA. However, feeling he still hadn’t found his call in life, he soon decided to return to college. In 1977, while he was completing his Bachelor’s Degree at California State University Los Angeles, Rick was introduced to Jesus Christ through members of Eagle Rock Baptist Church. Shortly after beginning a personal relationship with Jesus, he was deeply driven to learn more about God’s Word and so, he entered seminary. It was there that he felt God calling him to serve as a pastor. He went on to receive his Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Talbot School of Theology.

Fun Fact

One little-known fact about Pastor Rick is that he is a game show whiz! Although he hasn’t been behind a radio mic since 1975, he has been in front of a TV camera as a contestant on Wheel of Fortune, Scrabble, Hot Potato, Match Game, Pyramid, Bowling for Dollars, and Lingo.

Pastor Andrew Krayer-White, Associate Pastor


About Andrew:

Andrew’s heart aches for those who don’t think that God is relevant to their lives, or that have no interest in Christianity because it’s “boring.” One of his greatest joys is seeing people come to the realization that God is alive and exciting, and that following Christ is the only way to truly live! If you sit down for a cup of coffee with Andrew, you’ll no doubt discover his passion for God, as well as his big dreams for the Church.

Andrew grew up in a rural suburb of Philadelphia in an old farmhouse with acres of land! After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies from West Chester University, he felt called to pursue his Master of Divinity Degree at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. Now, Andrew has over 10 years of experience serving in various ministries! His primary responsibilities currently include overseeing LIFE groups at ERBC and sharing in the weekend preaching. And, he and his wife are the proud parents of a precious daughter.

Fun Fact:

Andrew enjoys rock climbing, running, and the occasional muay thai boxing class. He also loves watching the food network and trying out new recipes. And, Andrew is a BIG sports fan. However, for fear of alienating a large percentage of Los Angeles, he only brings up his love of ALL Philadelphia sports teams at moments when it is absolutely required of him…such as days ending in Y.

Raquel Blanchard, Director of Children’s Ministries


About Raquel

Raquel has a passion for the Next Generation, and a deep desire for our little ones to know Jesus and the gospel. One of her greatest priorities is to listen to children and teens and to assure them that they have been chosen by God for a bigger and greater story. She believes that discipleship and mentoring are essential factors to make the Next Generation’s future bright and full of hope. She also believes that our children and students are not only the future of our church, but they already are the church. Therefore, we must invest, nurture, and pray wholeheartedly for them daily.

Raquel was born and raised in El Salvador. She accepted Christ Jesus at the age of 3 and has felt the calling to work in God’s kingdom ever since. She has served in different ministries like life groups, children’s and youth ministry, and various evangelical outreaches throughout her life. She went to Universidad Tecnológica in El Salvador; but after a few years in college, she decided she wanted to follow the American dream. She
came to the USA in 2000 where she studied Marketing and Communications. She and her husband,
Michael, are the proud parents of 3 wonderful children.

Fun Fact:

Raquel enjoys family days at the beach, running and having Thai tea with Boba with her kids just for fun! Her favorite time of the year is Christmas. And she loves to watch movies with her family.

James Bean, Director of Worship Arts & Technology


About James:

James has a passion for ministering to people through Worship and the Arts! As a staff member of the Eagle Rock Baptist Church since 2003, James has worked to cultivate a creative passion in both our youth and adult congregants. He and his wife, Kari, are parents to three wonderful children.

Born in Glendale, CA and raised in Eagle Rock, James began attending Eagle Rock Baptist Church when he was just seven years old. He has since participated in the ministry at Eagle Rock Baptist Church in one fashion or another whether as a children’s choir participant (in his youth), a children’s ministry and worship ministry volunteer (in high school and college), or as a member of the staff. He has a Bachelor Degree in Psychology and a Master Degree in Pastoral Studies with a focus on Worship Leadership, both from Azuza Pacific University.

Fun Fact:

James has always been very mechanical and artistic, and he still dreams of being a designer for the Lego Company. Although having children has slowed down his literal brick-building, he still enjoys designing with LegoCad programs on his computer.

Hortensia Aguilar, Director of Caring Ministries & Staff Assistant


About Hortensia

With a background in Christian Education, creative talent, and a passion for ministering to others, Hortensia fervently pours into the life of the congregants of Eagle Rock Baptist Church and our surrounding community! As Director of Caring and Senior Ministries, she oversees prayer, visitation, hospitality, and many of our counseling ministries.

Hortensia grew up in the Los Angeles area. She attended a junior college in Lincoln Heights and earned her beautician’s license. For 33 years, she worked as a hair dresser all over LA and Burbank while she also continued her schooling to receive her Early Childhood Education certificate. Hortensia loves kids and has worked in a Christian school as both a teacher’s aide and with an after-school day care program. She loves working with kids because they make her laugh and seem to always have something new and entertaining to say.

Fun Fact:

Hortensia likes to knit, play tennis, and go hiking. She also likes to cook, and enjoys eating her delicious creations as well. She also has a wonderful sense of humor and often provides comic relief for our staff and church family!

Seth Baer, Director of Student Ministries


About Seth

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, Seth found God and was born again at a Christian youth camp in his teens. He went on to pursue leadership roles in the church by using his gifts of worship and his own life testimony to help others strengthen their relationship with Christ. Seth believes that we are called to find Jesus and accept His love in our own way and our own time, but we all need help along the way!

If you ever need an ear to listen or someone to lean on, Seth will be there. Realizing that life’s too short and fleeting, he wants today’s youth to see the big picture in things and that we are called to love above all else, just like Jesus has loved us.

Seth lives in Los Angeles with his wife Robyn, and can be found occasionally strumming a guitar on the beach, hiking in the hills, or playing a pickup game at a local park.

Fun Fact:


Eagle Rock Baptist Church Board

Bill Boxwell

Bill Boxwell

Bill Boxwell

Bill Boxwell

Raymond Gonzales

Raymond Gonzales

Raymond Gonzales

Raymond Gonzales

Paul Harris

Paul Harris

Paul Harris

Paul Harris

Bolaji Sojobi

Bolaji Sojobi

Bolaji Sojobi

Bolaji Sojobi

Pedro Vega

Pedro Vega

Pedro Vega

Pedro Vega