Student Ministries

ERBC’s Student Ministries serves to provide a safe space for young people (6th-12th grade) to connect through the use of age-relevant, small group environments.

We aim to create a community where students from all walks of life can experience God in a fun and challenging way!

We meet every Sunday at 11 AM & Wednesday at 7 PM in the Chi Hall Student Room.

Through our small group leaders and curriculum, our core goal is to

enable students to work through their need to cultivate the following:


Through this, we help students embrace that God designed the world and created them in His image, with a unique identity, so they can connect to Him as their Heavenly Father.


Through this, we help students learn the value of connecting to a community of family and friends, and encourage them to show God’s love and compassion every day, demonstrating His story of restoration to the world.


Through this, we help students learn that when they follow Jesus by faith, His spirit transforms and empowers them to live out His truth.

Student Ministries is here to make a place where youth in Jr. High and Sr. High can come in contact with Jesus, see that He’s present and matters in their lives, and respond to the challenge of following Christ with every piece of their lives.

It’s our heart’s desire to see youth transformed by God’s love and set free to live and speak the gospel back into their families, friendships, schools, and anywhere else that God’s leading them. The teen years can be a crazy roller-coaster ride! More than anything, we’re seeking to create a safe space, led by stable Christ-following adults, to surround students and journey through life with them. In this, we hope to see students discover who God is, who they are, and how the answers to both point them towards what God has planned for them in this world.

Student Services & Activities

ERBC students are always doing something awesome!

Here are some of the things we do regularly:

Sunday Student Ministries Worship is a worship gathering specifically designed for Junior High and Senior High youth. It’s their opportunity to worship God and hear God’s Word on their own terms in ways that speak into their lives. We gather to worship to connect with God through prayer and praise and connect with others as we learn what it means to follow God’s Son.

Our desire in through Student worship is not only to learn about God, but also to discover and develop the gifts He’s given us. Those with a gift or passion in musical worship are invited to participate in our student worship band.

Want more info?  Contact Seth Baer, our Director of Student Ministry, directly at

Wednesday Night Fellowship
Jr. High & Sr. High Students

Youth Room @ 6:30-8:00 PM

Wednesday Night Student Ministries is an opportunity for students to come together, hang out with each other and some awesome leaders. We play games, laugh together, and most importantly we spend some serious time digging into God’s Word and talking about what it means for our lives.

Jr. High & Sr. High Small Groups

*Times and locations vary depending on the semester.

ERBC offers small groups specifically designed for junior high and high school youth, where we learn how to live out the truths we’ve learned from the weekend messages. Meeting times and locations vary according to semester. For details or to sign up, email

Jr. High & Sr. High Serving Opportunities

We recognize that one of the most important ways God works to grow our faith is when we serve others. ERBC youth serve together every other month around the community, as well as providing week to week opportunities serving on the church campus.

For more information, contact

Find us on Instagram/Snapchat: erbc_sm

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