
The Women’s Ministry at ERBC exists to deepen women’s relationships with God and other women.

The vision of ERBC is to see ”More People, More like Jesus.” In that vision, we hope to see ALL women become more like Jesus- to reflect Christ in word and action to a greater and greater degree… and we strive to provide a space where women can flourish in their Christ-likeness!

We aim to cultivate an environment where women can grow in their faith in the following ways:

1) Life Groups

ERBC Life Groups meet throughout the year. While many are co-ed, we also regularly offer multiple Life Groups for women only in which women can deeply develop their faith, pray for, and encourage one another! For more information, or to sign up for a Life Group, click here.

2) Women’s Bible Study

Join other women in seasonal Bible studies! Enjoy great teaching, discussion, and prayer while building friendships that become “strong towers” in the midst of life’s trials. For more info regarding women’s Bible studies email women@eaglerockbaptist.com.

3) Events & Service Opportunities

Events and service opportunities at ERBC are designed to encourage spiritual growth! You can also volunteer to serve in-house and/or in community outreach. For more info regarding women’s events email women@eaglerockbaptist.com.

4) Women’s Retreats

We have a variety of opportunities for women to experience retreats! We have micro retreats (which last a few hours), mini retreats (which will refresh you for a day), and our annual weekend retreat! All retreats are designed for women to have an opportunity to grow in their faith through teaching, testimonies, and connecting with other women! For more info regarding women’s retreats email women@eaglerockbaptist.com.

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